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Russian Cybercriminals Target French National Assembly Website with DDoS Strike

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 27 March 2023

Founder - Privacy Affairs

The Russian hacker group NoName announced today that it had carried out a successful DDoS attack against the French National Assembly’s website.

The website is, as of now, inaccessible.


  • Russian hackers from the organization called NoName have targeted the French National Assembly’s website with a DDoS attack
  • This new attack is part of a series of attacks the group has carried out recently against various European businesses and government institutions
  • The hackers claim they attack entities with pro-Ukraine stances
  • NoName is known for carrying out DDoS attacks against its victims which results in affected websites becoming unavailable.
  • It’s not clear whether the hackers are independent or operating under Russian intelligence services.
    It’s not known if the hackers act independently or if they operate under Russian intelligence services

Russian hackers appear to have attacked the website of the French National Assembly. The DDoS attack resulted in the website becoming unavailable in early-morning 27 March (GMT+2).

The hackers posted the following on Telegram:

NoName French National Assembly Attack

The website is currently (noon 27 March) still unavailable:

Hackers target France National Assembly website

This most recent attack is just the newest of a series of DDoS attacks the group carried out last week against several European businesses and government institutions. The common theme in the case of all victims was their pro-Ukraine stance.

Last week, the group claimed responsibility for targeting the Scottish Assessors Association’s portal, the railway ticket sales service website in England, and the websites of the Europol GaZ Company and Poland’s national judicial council.

The Russian hackers have also targeted three government websites in Poland, the Italian Constitutional Court, as well as the country’s web page for transport regulation.

Earlier in March, the Russian hackers have also attacked several Estonian & Ukrainian banks and institutions such as the Bank of Estonia and the company BLRT Grupp.

NoName’s main tool of attack is DDoS strikes, which result in the affected websites becoming temporarily unavailable on the web.

It’s believed that no actual data breaches took place other than the DDoS attacks. NoName seems to target multiple websites every day for some time now.

What is the NoName hacker group?

The NoName hackers’ connection to Russian intelligence services remains unknown. The group has claimed that the attacks were carried out as retaliation for the targeted countries’ and businesses’ support of Ukraine.

DDoS attacks can have a major impact on victims and their websites, in some cases resulting in even financial losses if the downtimes are significant.

The website’s unavailability can cause confusion and frustration among citizens and disrupt public services.

Attacks on government websites can undermine public trust in institutions and their ability to protect citizens from cyber threats.

In conclusion, the NoName attack on the French National Assembly website emphasizes the continuing threat that cybercriminals and state-sponsored hackers pose to government institutions and critical infrastructure.

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