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Anonymous Collective Attacks Airport in India

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 21 January 2024

Founder - Privacy Affairs

Alex Popa

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Anonymous Collective took responsibility for the recent attack on the Delhi Airport. According to the group itself, the site was rendered inactive and the company’s operations were ceased.

  • It is unclear how much damage the attack inflicted, given that the victim didn’t comment publicly on the event
  • It also seems like Delhi Airport’s official website came back online fast and bears no signs of a cyberattack
  • Anonymous is famous for using its reach, capabilities, and influence to make political and ideological statements
  • This recent attack was aimed at India as a nation for supporting Israel in the current war against Hamas

Anonymous ranks as one of the oldest hacking organizations, dating back to 2003’s 4Chan. Since then, the group has grown to be a legitimate threat to public and private institutions that represent the opposite of what Anonymous stands for.

While the organization has been responsible for numerous hacking attacks over the years, its reputation isn’t limited to that of a hacktivist group. Instead, Anonymous represents an ideological organization that’s interested in making political statements.

X showing the Anonymous Collective attack on the Delhi Airtport

These may come in the form of cyberattacks, pranks, public statements, threats, or any other type. This includes actual public protests, where Anonymous members and supporters sometimes gathered in thousands, all wearing the iconic Fawks masks.

Such a protest involved tens of thousands of Anons in 2008 against the Church of Scientology and lasted for months. This showed the group’s full potential and its ability to influence the political climate at a global scale.

Who Is Anonymous and How Does It Operate?

Anonymous is a decentralized organization with no leader or internal structure. In simple terms, Anonymous comprises of affiliates and freelancers who all share similar goals, abilities, and drives.

Such a loose structure has allowed Anonymous to survive more than 2 decades, while other hacktivist groups struggle to go past a year. Over the past several years, Anonymous has become more politically involved at a global scale.

Starting with 2022, Anonymous got even more involved in the global stage, when it attacked Russia with impactful DDoS attacks as retaliation for Ukraine’s invasion. One such notable breach consisted of Anonymous stealing hundreds of GB of data.

The victim was Central Bank of Russia, followed by numerous other victims, such as Continent Express, All-Russia State Television, Metprom Group LLC, SOCAR Energosource, and many others.

More recently, Anonymous turned its attention to the Israel-Hamas conflict and began targeting pro-Israel countries and organizations. The recent attack falls in this category as well.

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