NoName Attacks Ukraine

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 1 April 2024

Founder - Privacy Affairs

Alex Popa

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NoName hackers announced a number of hits against Ukraine’s public infrastructure and online presence. The pro-Russian hackers announced the operation on their public platform, mocking the Ukrainian cyber-presence in the process.

  • NoName is the most vocal pro-Russian cybercriminal gang and one of the most powerful and influential
  • No Ukraine officials have commented on this recent attack yet, but a public statement may come at a later date
  • This is far from the first of NoName’s attacks on Ukraine, as the cybercriminal gang has been active since the beginning of the war
  • Russia has been conducting its own cyberattacks against Ukrainian infrastructure even long before 2022

NoName is among the most well-versed cybercriminal gangs in the art of cyberattacks. While the organization typically uses DDoS attacks to make its point across, that’s not the only tactic in use.

NoName has been using a variety of tactics to disable, intimidate, and confuse its victims. Some of these include spreading misinformation, pushing political and ideological propaganda, threatening victims directly, and mocking victims.

X showing the NoName attack on the Ukrainian websites

This recent attack targeted several Ukrainian avenues, including the Kyiv Metro system, the UkrAgro Consult, and the Information Portal of the City of Kyiv. The goal is self-explanatory: decreasing Ukraine’s ability to resist the Russian invasion.

The NoName hackers themselves have posted a short text suggesting that it’s time for them to focus their attention on Ukraine once more. The cybercriminal gang has been conducting relentless strikes against Ukraine’s allies.

Some of the most notable names include the Czech Republic, Poland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Italy, among many others.

How NoName Takes Advantage of Its Assets

NoName first emerged in March of 2022, immediately after Russia invaded the sovereign state of Ukraine. The organization posted a public message shortly after, stating its pro-Russian affinities and declaring war on its enemies.

The attacks that followed cemented NoName as a dangerous, resourceful, and highly capable group. The hackers targeted anyone who showed any anti-Russian values or who supported the Ukrainian government, directly or indirectly.

Most of NoName’s attacks consisted of DDoS hits, but that wasn’t always the case. The hackers would also engage in disinformation, propaganda, reputation tarnishing, and even sending actual threatening letters to key mass-media figures.

The goal remained the same: discredit the Ukrainian government and its supporters, no matter who they are. But why is NoName so effective?

Inside leaks have pointed out NoName’s quasi-military structure and financing. NoName hackers have very strict goals and deadlines. According to the leaks, they’re analyzing and probing between 5 and 15 potential targets per day, every day.

The organization also appears to be very well funded and supported, as they use advanced systems and tools. Some have linked NoName to the Russian government itself, but no clear evidence has been presented in this sense.

For now, NoName’s preferred method of attack involves using bot armies to overload the victim’s server and shut down the website. This method can sometimes cause long-term damage.

Some victims have reported taking days or even weeks to overcome the attack and bring their systems back online.

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