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NoName Hackers Hit Ukraine’s Institutions Again

Bogdan Pătru

By Bogdan Pătru . 11 April 2024

Tech Writer

Miklos Zoltan

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NoName announced yet another operation against Ukraine’s infrastructure, getting close to the end of their second week of attacks. Just like previous attacks, this most recent one also produced several victims.

  • The 3 targets are the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the State Tax Service of Ukraine, and the website of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
  • There is currently no official Ukrainian statement regarding the attacks
  • NoName has been attacking Ukrainian targets for more than 12 days in a row, and they seem determined to continue
  • The cybercriminal gang has been conducting operations against Ukraine and its allies since March 2022

Cyberattacks have become the norm since the beginning of the Ruso-Ukrainian war in February 2022. While NoName is currently the most active pro-Russian cybercriminal gang, it’s not the only one operating in this sphere.

Multiple other cybercriminal gangs have attacked Ukraine’s infrastructure, including Russia’s own cyberarmy. These attacks aim to produce the same result that any other military tactic does: cripple the enemy’s ability to resist or fight back.

But no other pro-Russian organization is as active, resourceful, and dangerous as NoName is.

X showing the NoName attack on Ukraine

NoName uses the tried-and-tested DDoS botnet flood to overwhelm the victim’s defenses and take their website offline. These attacks are usually mild, with the targets being able to restore their systems shortly after. But that’s not always the case.

In some situations, DDoS attacks can be extremely debilitating and destructive, with the victims taking days to restore their systems. Sometimes weeks. Not only that, but the situation can become even more severe if the attacks target public systems.

These include public healthcare, transportation, and banking.

What Does NoName Want?

There’s not much guess work involved here, because NoName stated their goals pretty clearly from the offset. NoName’s first public post stated that their goal is to oppose all those who show anti-Russian values or stances.

This includes both governmental institutions and private corporations that either bash the Russian regime or support the Ukrainian one. The same applies to those who actively support Ukraine in the ongoing war efforts.

NoName has been very vocal and active against those who have contributed financially to the Ukrainian cause, whether it was through military aid or humanitarian packages. In many cases, the hackers have hit the same targets multiple times over a short time span.

But who is NoName? The most straightforward answer is also the most obvious. NoName is a pro-Russian hacker gang that operates at a global scale and currently ranks as the most resourceful and aggressive.

There are several theories regarding the organization’s real identity, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Many people link NoName to the Russian government itself and justify it by pointing at the gang’s effectiveness and seemingly bottomless funding.

NoName often hits multiple targets per day and doesn’t take days off. This is the result of discipline, impressive work power, and the tendency to use affiliates during operations. NoName’s vast resourcefulness recommends it as a scary and competent gang.

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