VPN Usage by Industry: Which Sectors Rely the Most on VPNs?

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 19 June 2024

Founder - Privacy Affairs

Justin Oyaro

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Have you ever wondered which industries rely heavily on VPNs? Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become essential tools for various sectors, providing secure, encrypted connections that protect sensitive data and ensure privacy.

As someone who has worked in both the IT and finance industries, I’ve seen firsthand how critical VPNs can be.

Let’s dive into the world of VPN usage by industry and explore why these sectors prioritize VPN technology.

The Importance of VPNs Across Industries

VPNs create a secure connection over the internet, which is particularly crucial for industries that handle sensitive information.

They help protect data from hackers, secure remote connections, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

Finance and Banking

The finance and banking sector is one of the heaviest users of VPN technology. Given the highly sensitive nature of financial data, it’s no surprise that this industry prioritizes security.

  • Data Protection: Financial institutions handle vast amounts of sensitive data, including personal information and transaction details. VPNs help encrypt this data, making it harder for cybercriminals to intercept.
  • Remote Access: With the rise of remote work, VPNs allow financial professionals to access secure networks from anywhere in the world. This is crucial for maintaining productivity without compromising security.
  • Regulatory Compliance: VPNs help financial institutions comply with regulations such as GDPR and PCI DSS, which mandate stringent data protection measures. According to Statista, the finance sector has one of the highest VPN penetration rates.
  • Internal Communication: VPNs ensure that communication within financial institutions is encrypted and secure, reducing the risk of data breaches. As financial entities often deal with high-value transactions, maintaining secure communication channels is essential.


Healthcare is another industry where VPNs play a vital role. Protecting patient information and ensuring secure communication channels are paramount in this sector.

  • Patient Data Security: Healthcare providers must protect patient records and sensitive health information. VPNs encrypt data transfers between healthcare facilities and remote workers, ensuring compliance with HIPAA and other privacy laws.
  • Telehealth Services: The adoption of telehealth has surged, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. VPNs provide a secure way for healthcare professionals to conduct virtual consultations and access patient data remotely. According to Gartner, the healthcare industry’s reliance on VPNs has increased significantly due to telehealth.
  • Internal Communication: VPNs ensure that internal communications within healthcare institutions remain confidential, protecting against data breaches and cyber threats.
  • Mobile Health Applications: With the rise of mobile health apps, VPNs help ensure that data transmitted through these applications is secure and private.

IT and Technology

As expected, the IT and technology sector is a major user of VPNs. Companies in this industry often need to secure their networks and protect intellectual property.

  • Remote Work and Development: Many tech companies have embraced remote work, necessitating secure connections for employees. VPNs enable developers and IT professionals to access internal systems and development environments securely.
  • Cybersecurity: VPNs are a fundamental component of a robust cybersecurity strategy. They help protect against data breaches, DDoS attacks, and other cyber threats. According to Statista, the IT sector has a high VPN adoption rate, reflecting the need for advanced security measures.
  • Global Operations: Tech companies often operate globally, requiring secure communication channels between international offices. VPNs facilitate safe and encrypted communication across borders.
  • Protection of Intellectual Property: Tech companies often develop proprietary technologies and software. VPNs help protect these assets by ensuring secure access and transfer of sensitive information.

Personal Experience: Using VPNs in IT

Working in the IT sector, I’ve relied heavily on VPNs for secure access to company resources.

Whether it was connecting to a development server or accessing confidential project data, VPNs ensured that my connections were secure, regardless of my location.

This was particularly important when working on sensitive projects involving proprietary technology.


The education sector has increasingly turned to VPNs to protect student data and support remote learning.

  • Student Privacy: Schools and universities must safeguard student information, including grades and personal data. VPNs encrypt data transfers and protect against unauthorized access.
  • Remote Learning: The shift to online education has made VPNs essential for securing remote learning platforms and ensuring that students and educators can connect safely. EdTech Magazine highlights the importance of VPNs in maintaining cybersecurity in educational institutions.
  • Research and Collaboration: VPNs enable secure collaboration among researchers and educators, facilitating the exchange of sensitive information and research data.
  • Access to Restricted Resources: VPNs help students and educators access educational resources that may be restricted due to geographical limitations.


The manufacturing industry uses VPNs to protect intellectual property, manage remote operations, and secure communication channels.

  • Intellectual Property Protection: Manufacturing companies often deal with proprietary designs and trade secrets. VPNs help secure this information, preventing industrial espionage.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control: With the rise of Industry 4.0, remote monitoring and control of manufacturing processes have become common. VPNs provide a secure way to manage these operations from a distance.
  • Supplier and Partner Communication: VPNs ensure secure communication with suppliers and partners, protecting against data breaches and ensuring the integrity of supply chain communications.
  • Compliance with Industry Regulations: Manufacturing companies often need to comply with various industry standards and regulations. VPNs help ensure that data handling practices meet these requirements.


The retail sector has also embraced VPNs to enhance security, particularly with the rise of e-commerce.

  • Customer Data Protection: Retailers handle vast amounts of customer data, including payment information. VPNs help encrypt this data, reducing the risk of breaches.
  • Secure Payment Processing: VPNs ensure that payment transactions are secure, protecting both the retailer and the customer.
  • Remote Management: Retail chains with multiple locations use VPNs to manage operations and access centralized systems securely. This is particularly important for maintaining inventory control and ensuring consistent customer experiences across locations.
  • Employee Access: VPNs enable employees to access secure company networks remotely, facilitating flexible work arrangements and improving productivity.


Law firms and legal professionals use VPNs to protect sensitive client information and maintain confidentiality.

  • Client Confidentiality: Legal professionals handle highly confidential information. VPNs ensure that communications and data transfers are encrypted and secure.
  • Remote Work: VPNs allow lawyers to access secure networks remotely, ensuring that they can work effectively from anywhere without compromising security.
  • Compliance with Legal Standards: VPNs help law firms comply with legal standards and regulations regarding data protection and confidentiality.
  • Collaboration and Case Management: VPNs enable secure collaboration among legal teams, facilitating the sharing of case files and other sensitive information.


VPNs are indispensable tools across various industries, providing essential security and privacy features that protect sensitive data and support remote work.

From finance and healthcare to IT, education, manufacturing, retail, and legal sectors, the reliance on VPNs continues to grow.

By understanding the specific needs and benefits of VPNs for different sectors, we can better appreciate their critical role in today’s digital landscape.

Whether you’re a professional in these industries or simply curious about VPNs, knowing their impact can help you navigate the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity.


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