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Anonymous Sudan Infiltrates FlyDubai

Bogdan Pătru

By Bogdan Pătru . 16 March 2024

Tech Writer

Miklos Zoltan

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FlyDubai found itself at the pointy end of the sword after a recent DDoS attack conducted by Anonymous Sudan. The attacker claimed responsibility for the attack and posted evidence of the event on the public TOR platform.

  • FlyDubai was born in 2009 and quickly grew to impressive proportions
  • The company has served over 90 million customers so far and offers 120 destinations across 54 countries
  • According to the latest information, FlyDubai managed to overcome the DDoS attack and restore its systems
  • Anonymous Sudan stated in the original post that the hit was politically motivated

As the cybercriminal organization itself stated, the recent hit was meant to punish the UAE for its stance on the Sudanese conflict. Anonymous Sudan accused UAE for its support in favor of Rapid Support Forces, which they believe are guilty of genocide.

FlyDubai didn’t comment on the recent event. Rather, it focused on restoring its systems, which it succeeded in doing shortly after the attack.

X showing the Anonymous Dubai attack on FlyDubai

Anonymous Sudan is known to make political and ideological statements and target those it deems enemies of Sudan or Islam in general. The group’s inception speaks volumes about its motivations as well.

Who Sits At The Wheel Of Anonymous Sudan?

Anonymous Sudan’s identity is unknown, despite the organization’s self-reported Islamic affinities. The group came to prominence in February of 2023, following an anti-Islamic incident that took place in Sweden.

During that particular event, a far-right activist burned a copy of the Quran in public, sparking outrage in the Islamic community. Anonymous Sudan announced its presence soon after and became involved in a number of cyberattacks.

Despite these self-proclaimed goals and identity, many doubt the organization’s apparent transparency. One of the widespread theories is that Anonymous Sudan is nothing more than a Russian puppet.

Some evidence for that is the group’s initial digital activity. Anonymous Sudan’s initial posts were all in Russian, until people pointed it out as unusual. This led the organization to delete all of its Russian posts and start posting in Arabic moving forward.

The Russian connection is also plausible by virtue of the group’s impressive reach, growth, activity, and effectiveness. Anonymous Sudan is involved in global affairs and shows signs of impressive financial backing.

It’s unclear whether the group’s financial support comes from a government, another private institution, or individual supporters. What is known is that Anonymous Sudan often collaborates with cybercriminal orgs like Killnet, who are also pro-Russian.

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