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The Evolution of VPN Technology: From Dial-Up to Modern Encryption

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 18 June 2024

Founder - Privacy Affairs

Alex Popa

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If you’re as passionate about online privacy and security as I am, you’ve probably wondered how VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) have evolved over time.

It’s a fascinating journey from the early days of dial-up connections to the advanced encryption technologies we rely on today.

Let’s take a friendly stroll down memory lane and explore the evolution of VPN technology, highlighting key milestones and innovations that have shaped the way we protect our online activities.

The Early Days: Dial-Up Connections and Early Encryption

Back in the early days of the internet, securing connections over public networks was a major concern.

Businesses, in particular, needed a way to allow remote workers to access corporate networks securely. Enter the concept of a VPN.

In the mid-1990s, Microsoft developed the first popular VPN protocol, PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol).

PPTP was designed to encapsulate PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) packets and encrypt the data for transmission over the internet.

While PPTP provided a basic level of security, it was far from perfect.

The encryption used by PPTP (Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption, or MPPE) was relatively weak and vulnerable to various types of attacks.

The Rise of IPsec and L2TP

As the need for more secure VPN solutions grew, new protocols emerged.

IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) came into the picture, offering a robust set of security features for internet communications.

Unlike PPTP, which was easy to set up but less secure, IPsec provided strong encryption and authentication methods, quickly becoming the standard for secure communications over IP networks, especially in the corporate world.

Around the same time, L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol) was developed as a merger between PPTP and Cisco’s L2F (Layer 2 Forwarding) protocol.

L2TP itself did not provide encryption, so it was often paired with IPsec to ensure data security.

This combination, known as L2TP/IPsec, became a popular choice for secure VPN connections.

The Advent of OpenVPN: A Game-Changer

In the early 2000s, OpenVPN was introduced, revolutionizing the VPN landscape.

Developed by James Yonan, OpenVPN is an open-source VPN protocol that quickly gained popularity due to its flexibility, security, and performance.

OpenVPN uses the OpenSSL library to provide encryption, supporting a variety of algorithms, including the highly secure AES (Advanced Encryption Standard).

What sets OpenVPN apart is its ability to run on virtually any platform, its support for both UDP and TCP protocols, and its high configurability.

This made it a favorite among both individual users and businesses looking for robust and adaptable VPN solutions.

The Mobile Era: IKEv2 and SSTP

As mobile devices became ubiquitous, the need for VPN protocols that could handle frequent network changes and provide seamless connectivity grew.

IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2) was developed to address these needs.

IKEv2, often used in conjunction with IPsec, provides strong security and is particularly well-suited for mobile devices due to its ability to quickly re-establish connections when switching between networks (e.g., from Wi-Fi to cellular).

Another notable development was SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol), introduced by Microsoft.

SSTP uses SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) over TCP port 443, the same port used for HTTPS traffic.

This allows SSTP to bypass many firewalls and network restrictions, making it a valuable tool for users in restrictive environments.

The Modern Era: WireGuard and SoftEther

In recent years, new VPN protocols have emerged, promising even better performance and security.

WireGuard, developed by Jason A. Donenfeld and released in 2018, is a modern VPN protocol designed to be faster, simpler, and more secure than its predecessors.

With a lean codebase of around 4,000 lines, WireGuard is easy to audit and maintain, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities.

It uses state-of-the-art cryptographic techniques like ChaCha20 for encryption and Poly1305 for data authentication.

SoftEther (Software Ethernet) is another modern VPN solution that has gained popularity for its versatility and performance.

Developed at the University of Tsukuba in Japan, SoftEther supports multiple VPN protocols, including its own SSL-VPN, OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, EtherIP, and SSTP.

Its flexibility and high-speed performance make it a powerful tool for both personal and enterprise use.

Looking Ahead: The Future of VPN Technology

The evolution of VPN technology has been driven by the ever-growing need for secure, reliable, and fast internet connections.

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, VPN protocols will continue to evolve, incorporating cutting-edge cryptographic techniques and improving performance.

Future developments may focus on enhancing user privacy, integrating with emerging technologies like quantum cryptography, and further simplifying the user experience.

VPNs will remain a crucial tool in the fight for online privacy and security, adapting to new challenges and continuing to protect our digital lives.

Did You Know?

  • OpenVPN’s Flexibility: OpenVPN can run on almost any platform and supports both UDP and TCP protocols, making it incredibly versatile. It’s highly configurable, allowing users to tailor their VPN setups to their specific needs.
  • WireGuard’s Simplicity: WireGuard’s codebase is only around 4,000 lines, compared to tens of thousands for older protocols. This simplicity makes it easier to audit and secure.
  • SoftEther’s Origin: SoftEther was developed as a master’s thesis project by Daiyuu Nobori at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. Its robust feature set and performance quickly gained it recognition and widespread use.
  • PPTP’s Early Adoption: Despite its security flaws, PPTP was one of the first protocols to make VPNs accessible to everyday users, particularly for remote work in the early internet era.
  • IKEv2 for Mobility: IKEv2 is particularly popular for mobile devices because it can quickly reconnect when the device switches between different networks, such as from Wi-Fi to a cellular connection.


The journey of VPN technology from dial-up to modern encryption is a testament to the relentless pursuit of online security and privacy.

From the early days of PPTP and IPsec to the modern innovations of WireGuard and SoftEther, VPNs have continuously evolved to meet the demands of an increasingly connected world.

As we look to the future, one thing is certain: VPN technology will continue to play a vital role in safeguarding our online activities and personal information.

Whether you’re a casual internet user or a cybersecurity enthusiast, understanding the history and evolution of VPNs helps you appreciate the sophisticated technology that protects our digital lives today.

Feel free to dive deeper into the fascinating world of VPNs and explore how these technologies can enhance your online security and privacy.

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