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Joint DDoS Operation Hits France

Bogdan Pătru

By Bogdan Pătru . 16 March 2024

Tech Writer

Miklos Zoltan

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A massive DDoS operation hit France, with the hackers reporting at least 4 confirmed targets. Among the institutions being hit, the most notable one is the Electricite de France, one world’s largest operators of nuclear power plants.

  • This operation involved several infamous DDoS actors, including NoName, Russian Cyber Army, 22C, and UserSec
  • While the hackers haven’t stated any reason for the attack, the likeliest one can easily be deduced
  • The attack on the French institutions is the result of France’s continuous support of Ukraine in the ongoing war
  • This isn’t the first time pro-Russian cybercriminal organizations have targeted France or any other of Russia’s perceived enemies

According to preliminary assessments, it’s NoName that started the operation and contracted the other actors. In typical NoName fashion, the goal was to disrupt the victims’ operations and cause chaos and uncertainty.

This is a trademark NoName signature, which the infamous hacking ring uses to intimidate Russia’s opponents. However, unlike typical NoName attacks, this one was a more organized and calculated breach.

X showing the NoName joint attack on France

NoName collaborated with other world-famous cybercriminal gangs to ensure the success of the operation and cause as much damage as possible. This approach is easily explained by France’s recent statements on the Ruso-Ukrainian conflict.

President Emmanuel Macron declared recently that the West sending ground troops in Ukraine is still on the table. This statement was recently followed by another that reinforced France’s “unwavering support” for Ukraine.

Macron also declared that France’s stance will not change and urged other countries to follow suit. Naturally, this didn’t sit well with NoName or any other pro-Russian organization for that matter.

What Makes NoName the Most Dangerous Cybercriminal Gang

NoName is currently the most infamous pro-Russian cybercriminal actor, even ranking above Russia’s own cyber-army in terms of popularity. This is due to NoName’s unhinged activity and resolve, placing them among the most aggressive groups worldwide.

NoName first reached the public eye at the end of February 2022. This date marked the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which sparked a lot of political and ideological turmoil in the world stage. NoName took advantage of that.

The cybercriminal ring took off almost immediately, conducting its first operations against Ukraine itself in the following month. Numerous other attacks followed suit, with NoName hackers hitting all of Ukraine’s allies and supporters over the 2 years since then.

Several things recommend NoName as the most dangerous cybercriminal actor today:

  • The abundance of resources and funding
  • Working with highly competent and knowledgeable people
  • Collaborating with other cybercriminal organizations that share the same views and goals
  • The awareness to upgrade their systems, tools, and tactics constantly
  • Working with strict, military-grade discipline and precision

NoName is highly invested in Russia’s well-being and cuts no corners when it comes to achieving its goals. The group targets both private and public entities and always hits victims in bulk.

This recent operation shows that NoName is highly adaptable and resourceful and that the pro-Russian cybercriminal market is very cohesive. This isn’t the first time when top DDoS actors have united for a common goal and most likely won’t be the last either.

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