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  • NoName Attacks Four More Polish Targets

NoName Hits Four More Polish Targets

Alex Popa

By Alex Popa . 5 December 2023

Cybersecurity Journalist

Miklos Zoltan

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The famous threat actor, NoName, targeted Poland again, this time hitting several key targets. These include Marshal’s Office, the Polish Radio, ePUAP, and the Senate. NoName057 took responsibility, publishing evidence of their successful DDoS attack.

  • NoName just hit the Polish Marshal’s Office, the Polish Radio, ePUAP, and the Polish Senate
  • NoName rose to power in March of 2022, shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in February
  • Despite the clear Russian roots, NoName isn’t recognized officially
  • It is suspected that NoName is a pro-Russian activist group that appears rather disorganized
  • The organization’s most obvious incentive is silencing any anti-Russian propaganda and attack all nations and institutions that oppose Russia itself

NoName is fairly active on its Telegram channels, regularly making threats, mocking targets, and announcing hits. They also tend to make demands and even post educational content, promoting some of the tools they’re using.

One of these is DDOSIA, which is a DDoS tool that they’ve used in some of their attacks. It appears that NoName is hoping to attract the attention of other threat actors with which it can collaborate.

Tweet about NoName's latest attack on Poland

Subsequent investigations into NoName revealed possible connections and collaborations between NoName and other Russian threat actor organizations like Killnet. The group went so far as to send threatening letters to Ukrainian MSM officials.

How the NoName Group Operates

NoName specializes in DDoS attacks and has carried out multiple hits in numerous countries. These include Poland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, and, of course, United States, among several others. In most cases, the goal is to disrupt the victim’s online activity, leading to the websites becoming unresponsive.

Some victims have experienced prolonged blackouts as a result of the DDoS attack, as was the case with the US-based ITT. The company’s services were unavailable to users for quite some time.

The organization appears to be strictly politically motivated. NoName is primarily interested in silencing and damaging companies and entities supporting Ukraine in the ongoing war. In this sense, the organization has hit both governmental and private institutions indiscriminately.

Poland has been particularly affected, with the recent attack being one in a long list of breaches. The attacks against Poland have always been multi-faceted, with several entities being hit at the same time or in a short time span.

Ukraine is understandably the most valuable target for the group, which suffered numerous attacks since the beginning of the war. The goal was, and still is, to cripple Ukraine’s defenses and ability to put together any type of counter-offensive.

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