The Overlooked Privacy Risks of Browser Extensions

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 1 July 2024

Founder - Privacy Affairs

Alex Popa

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Browser extensions have become indispensable tools for enhancing our online experience.

From ad blockers and grammar checkers to password managers and productivity enhancers, these tiny programs add tremendous value to our browsing activities.

However, while they offer convenience and functionality, they also pose significant privacy risks that many users often overlook.

Browser Extension Dangers

The Allure of Browser Extensions

Extensions are attractive because they are easy to install and often free. They promise to make our lives easier by blocking unwanted ads, saving passwords, managing tabs, and more.

With just a few clicks, we can customize our browsers to better suit our needs. But what are we sacrificing in return?

Data Access and Permissions

When installing a browser extension, it’s common to see a list of permissions it requires.

These permissions might include access to your browsing history, read and change data on websites you visit, manage downloads, and even access your clipboard.

This level of access is alarming because it means the extension can monitor nearly everything you do online.

For instance, popular extensions like ad blockers and coupon finders often require extensive permissions to function effectively.

However, these permissions can also be exploited to collect vast amounts of personal data. This collected data can be sold to third parties or used for targeted advertising without your explicit consent.

For more information on how extensions can access your data, check out this Verge article on browser extension risks.

The Hidden Threat of Malicious Extensions

One of the biggest risks with browser extensions is the potential for malicious behavior.

Cybercriminals have become adept at creating extensions that appear legitimate but contain malicious code designed to steal data or install malware.

Even worse, trusted extensions can become compromised. There have been numerous instances where popular extensions were sold to less reputable companies or hacked, leading to the deployment of malicious updates.

A notable example is the case of the “Web of Trust” extension, which was caught collecting and selling user data without consent.

Another example is the “Copyfish” extension, which was hijacked and used to inject ads and steal data from users.

For a detailed account of these incidents, see this ZDNet article on malicious browser extensions.

The False Sense of Security

Many users assume that extensions listed in official stores, such as the Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons, have been thoroughly vetted and are therefore safe to use.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. While these platforms do have security measures in place, they are not foolproof.

Malicious extensions often slip through the cracks, and it can take weeks or even months before they are detected and removed.

My Personal Experience

I have personally experienced the risks associated with browser extensions. Not long ago, I installed a seemingly reputable productivity extension to help manage my tasks.

Over time, I noticed my browsing experience becoming sluggish and my personal information appearing in places it shouldn’t.

After some investigation, I discovered that the extension had been sold to a different company, which had pushed an update that compromised my privacy.

Types of Data Collected

Browser extensions can collect a wide range of data. This includes:

  • Browsing History: Extensions can track which websites you visit, how long you stay on them, and what you click on.
  • Personal Information: Some extensions can access personal information such as email addresses, social media profiles, and even financial details if you’re not careful.
  • Search Queries: Extensions can monitor your search queries, which can reveal a lot about your interests, preferences, and even medical conditions.
  • Location Data: Certain extensions can access your geolocation data, which can be used to track your movements.

Risks of Data Misuse

The misuse of data collected by browser extensions can lead to several privacy and security issues, such as:

  • Targeted Advertising: Your data can be sold to advertisers who will then use it to target you with personalized ads. While this might seem harmless, it can feel invasive and exploit your privacy.
  • Identity Theft: If an extension collects sensitive information like passwords or financial details, it can lead to identity theft or financial fraud.
  • Surveillance: Extensions with access to your browsing history and personal information can effectively surveil your online activities, which is a significant invasion of privacy.
  • Data Breaches: If the company behind the extension suffers a data breach, your information could be exposed to cybercriminals.

Steps to Protect Yourself

Given these risks, it’s crucial to approach browser extensions with caution. Here are some steps to help protect your privacy:

  • Review Permissions: Always read the permissions requested by an extension before installing it. If an extension asks for more access than seems necessary, think twice before installing it.
  • Research Extensions: Before installing an extension, do some research. Look for reviews and ratings from other users. Check to see if the developer has a good track record.
  • Limit the Number of Extensions: The more extensions you have installed, the greater the risk. Limit your extensions to those that are essential and uninstall any that you no longer use.
  • Regularly Review Installed Extensions: Periodically check the extensions you have installed and review their permissions. Remove any that seem suspicious or that you no longer need.
  • Use Trusted Sources: Only install extensions from trusted sources like the official Chrome Web Store or Firefox Add-ons site. Be wary of extensions from unknown developers or third-party sites.
  • Keep Your Browser and Extensions Updated: Ensure that both your browser and your installed extensions are up to date. Developers often release updates to fix security vulnerabilities.


While browser extensions can significantly enhance our online experience, they also pose substantial privacy risks that should not be ignored.

By being vigilant and taking proactive measures, we can enjoy the benefits of these tools while safeguarding our personal information.

Remember, the convenience offered by extensions should never come at the cost of your privacy. For more insights on browser extension security, this Wired article offers some valuable tips.

As we continue to integrate more digital tools into our lives, it’s essential to remain informed and cautious.

The allure of convenience should never overshadow the importance of maintaining our digital privacy and security.

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